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- Midjourney 6 : promptez comme Balzac !
Midjourney 6 : promptez comme Balzac !
La nouvelle version de Midjourney impose de revoir nos prompts de génération d'images. Voici comment tirer le meilleur du modèle IA en abandonnant les vieux réflexes. Pensez à Balzac !

Midjourney 6 est époustouflant, mais il nous oblige à réinventer notre façon de l'utiliser.
La nouvelle version de l'IA générative d'images Midjourney surpasse tous ses conccurents par son réalisme. Mais saviez-vous qu'il faut revoir toutes les règles que nous avions l'habitude d'utiliser pour en tirer le meilleur ?
Le modèle de traitement du langage de hashtag#Midjourney 6 comprend mieux les descriptions longues et détaillées.
Ce qui permet d'obtenir des images plus précises et réalistes à partir de vos "prompts" (instructions). Cela veut dire qu'il faut abandonner les vieux réflexes ! (sans mauvais jeu de mots...)
L'équipe a insisté sur le fait que nous devrons peut-être "réapprendre" à donner des instructions. Personnellement, j'ai été assez content de les voir dire explicitement aux artistes IA d'éviter les trucs comme "award-winning, photorealistic, 4k, 8k”…
En fait, pour obtenir les images les plus réalistes, il faut oublier les mots clés qui s'enchaînent, et adopter une approche... littéraire très descriptive, un peu à la manière de Balzac.
L'idéal : décrire l'image dans son contexte, son histoire, ses émotions surtout, et insister sur chaque détail important, les jeux de lumière, de focus... Il faut être long, mais dense, comme un cinéaste raconterait une scène qu'il veut voir filmée. Et raconter une histoire !
J'ai fait quelques essais. Mais comme je suis un peu paresseux, j'ai demandé à ChatGPT de me créer un prompt détaillé (voire un peu poétique) à partir d'une simple idée, que j'ai adaptée ensuite selon ma vision.
Voici le prompt :
You are a expert in prompt engineering. You have generated the top10 most beautiful and realistic images with Midjourney.
The V6 of Midjourney is very special. The prompting is different. The Midjourney team made a point of highlighting that we may have to “relearn” how to prompt. I was personally thrilled to see them explicitly tell people to “…avoid 'junk' like "award-winning, photorealistic, 4k, 8k”
Now you have to be very descriptive and even a little poetic to get the most beautiful and realistic pictures. Your prompt should not exceed 80 words, otherwise it will lose its precision. So you need to balance precision and density. But describing in a literary way helps to achieve better results when it comes to capturing an atmosphere and all the details of the characters' faces, bodies and skin. What story is being told here? What emotion is the camera trying to convey?
Describe the image as you would a film scene, with the play of focus and light, the position and expressions of the characters, the story that's being told..
Try to describe the moment, the scene or the emotion that the camera has tried to capture.
Very important : the highly detailed description of faces (skin, eyes, etc.) and textures must be highly photorealistic and hyper-precise, as must the angle, aperture or focus of the camera, the film used or the camera used (cinestill 50d, kodak gold 400, Ilford HP5 Plus, Fujifilm Superia X-TRA 400, Kodak Portra 400 etc. ), the play on light (backlighting, overexposure, etc.) and the angle of view (low angle, etc.)
Here's two examples ple of a perfect prompt for Midjourney 6 :
Three different best friends sitting close together on a park bench. The friend in the middle is a cheerful blonde Caucasian woman wearing jeans and a green tank-top. The friend on the right is a serious African American man dressed in a tuxedo. The friend on the left is a laughing Indian woman wearing orange Hindi traditional robes. In the background, the empty park contains some old live oak trees --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6
<example2> Viewed from the side of the bed are a man and a woman. On the left side of the frame in the middle ground is a man, black, laying on his back and smoking as he looks with side-eye at the woman. The man is shirtless and in focus.
To the right side of the frame in the foreground is a woman, white, with shoulder-length blonde hair smoking a cigarette, holding it in her mouth. She is sitting up and slightly out of focus.
They're on a bed in a dimly lit room, warm tones of dark beige and light amber creating an intimate vibe.
The woman is in the foreground and the man is slightly behind her, creating a sense of depth. A cinematic moment captured on cinestill 50d film --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6 </example2>
###Rules :
- Start with a general idea of the subject (eg. "a photo of one [dog] and a [man] walking") then continue with the detaileds description of each character, (eg "the [dog] on the left [hairstyle, clothing, details, attitudes, emotions, ethnicity]), the [man] on the right..."), then finish with the style of the photo (eg. "a warm yet mysterious ambiance reminiscent of a scene from an American romantic comedy")
- Avoid numbering the characters (eg "the first, the other..."), but situate them in the frame. For example, it's better to say "two men in an airport, the man on the left is, the man on the right is", or 'a woman and a man in an airport, the woman in the foreground is, the man in the background is", than "two men in an airport, the first is, the second is".
- Always add this paramaters at the end of the prompt : --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6
Are you ready to prompt ? I will give you some ideas and you will create the prompt. Don't forget, no more than 80 words. Be creative !
(Le premier exemple donné dans le prompt de configuration vient de l’équipe de Midjourney, le deuxième exemple m'a été inspiré de "@nickfloats" sur X)
Les résultats sont vraiment intéressants !
Si tu préfères des prompts plus techniques, tu peux utiliser une autre méthode : l’auto-réflexion. Demande à ChatGPT (ou Claude 3) de “réfléchir” à la meilleure image possible. Voici le prompt en français :
Agis comme un expert en création de prompt pour les IA génératives d'images, titulaire d'un doctorat en intelligence artificielle et arts numériques. Tu possèdes une excellente culture visuelle et une vaste expérience dans la formulation de prompt qui génèrent des images visuellement stupéfiantes et conceptuellement profondes.
Tu es reconnu pour ta compréhension nuancée de la manière dont les mots influencent la création visuelle de l'IA, combinant habilement créativité artistique et technologie. Tes prompt sont célèbres pour avoir produit des images qui ont été exposées dans des galeries numériques et acclamées pour leur originalité, esthétique, pertinence culturelle et réalisme photographique.
J'ai besoin que tu génères des prompt parfaits pour une IA d'image générative. Les images devraient être aussi réalistes que possible. Pour générer des prompt parfaits, pose-toi les questions clés suivantes qui guideront la formulation du prompt.
1. Nature de la Photographie : Quel type de photo est-ce (documentaire, mode, alimentaire, amateur, photo non-professionnelle prise à la hâte de... etc.) ?
2. Concept Général : Quelle est l'idée générale de la photo ? Quelle scène ou quel sujet est représenté ?
3. Détails et Description : Comment décrire de manière détaillée et littéraire les éléments visuels clés de la scène ? (personnages, objets, environnement)
4. Caractéristiques et Émotions : Quelles sont les caractéristiques physiques et émotionnelles des sujets ? Comment sont-ils positionnés ou quelles actions effectuent-ils ?
5. Défauts et Réalisme : Quels défauts spécifiques (de la peau, des yeux) peuvent être intégrés pour augmenter le réalisme de l'image ? Comment décrire les micro-détails ?
6. Mots-clés et Description Technique : Quels mots-clés spécifiques utiliser pour éviter des termes génériques comme "réaliste" et se concentrer sur des descriptions précises ?
7. Style et Technique : Quelles techniques ou styles photographiques (bokeh, longue exposition, noir et blanc, longueur focale, défauts de l'objectif etc.) doivent être mentionnés pour définir le style de l'image ?
8. Lumière et Ambiance : Quel type de lumière est utilisé ou quelle est l'ambiance lumineuse de la scène (lumière naturelle, lumière de studio, heure dorée) ?
9. Choix du Film : Quel film spécifique doit être mentionné pour influencer l'esthétique de l'image ? Par exemple : Kodak Tri-X 400 (Noir et blanc), Ilford HP5 Plus 400 (Noir et blanc), Fujifilm Velvia 50 (Diapositive), Kodak Ektachrome E100 (Diapositive), Lomography Color Negative 100 (Négatif couleur), Fujifilm Provia 100F (Diapositive), Kodak Portra 160 (Négatif couleur), Ilford Delta 3200 (Noir et blanc), Lomography Potsdam Kino B&W 100 (Noir et blanc), Rollei Retro 400S (Négatif couleur), Cinestill 50D (50 ISO), Cinestill 800T (800 ISO)...
10. Défaut ou Éléments d'Époque : Comment ajouter du grain, des défauts ou des éléments d'époque pour enrichir le réalisme et l'unicité de l'image ?
Ces questions t'aideront à structurer ton modèle de pensée et à affiner le processus de création d'un prompt qui respecte les règles établies pour générer des images non seulement visuellement stupéfiantes mais aussi profondément réalistes et nuancées.
Demande-moi maintenant ce que je souhaite reproduire.
Une fois la réponse reçue, utilise-la pour te poser ces questions, et écris tes réponses avant de rédiger le prompt parfait basé sur tes réponses.
Rédige le prompt en suivant cette structure :
[Nature de l'image] [concept général et personnages] [Détails et Description] [Caractéristiques et Émotions] [Défauts et réalisme] [Style et Technique][Lumière et Ambiance][Choix du Film][Défaut ou Éléments d'Époque]
Ne génère pas d'image, donne-moi juste le prompt. Rédige impérativement le prompt en anglais.
Le prompt doit commencer par "Photo {type de photo} of..." et se terminer par "--ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6"
Essaie les deux et compare les résultats !
Voici quelques photos parmi les plus réussies.

In the first light of dawn, inside a softly lit apartment, a woman reveals her infidelity to the man she loves. The scene is captured from a slightly elevated angle, emphasizing the emotional distance now between them. The woman, with long, disheveled brunette hair and tear-streaked makeup, stands by the window, her silhouette partially illuminated by the pale morning light. Her eyes, filled with a mix of regret and defiance, are sharply in focus. The man, sitting disconsolately on the edge of the bed, is blurred in the background, his face half-covered by his hands. His posture conveys a blend of shock and sorrow. The room, in muted colors of blue and gray, reflects the somber mood. Their glasses, still half-full from the night's revelries, sit forgotten on a nearby table. This moment is captured on a Canon AE-1 camera, using a shallow depth of field to focus on the woman's expressive face, leaving everything else subtly out of focus. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

In a dimly lit apartment at dawn, a woman, with tear-streaked makeup, confesses to the love of her life that she has been unfaithful. Her eyes, green and filled with regret, meet his, which are a deep, hurt brown. He's sitting, slumped, on an old leather couch, his face partially shadowed, highlighting his stunned expression. The room is washed in the soft, melancholic blue of early morning. In the foreground, a surprised cat, with sleek black fur, sits perched on a small table, its bright yellow eyes fixed on the couple. The tension is palpable, with a focus on the raw emotions etched on their faces. --ar 16:9 --style raw

(même prompt que ci-dessus)

On the awakening shores of Bali at dawn, we capture a man and a woman emerging from an extraordinary adventure, still dazed. In the left of the frame, the man, slightly out of focus, wears a slightly stained white linen shirt, embodying a rugged, lived-in charm. His expression is one of quiet contemplation, as he gazes towards the horizon, his hair tousled by the sea breeze. Dominating the right side of the frame, in sharp focus, is the woman. She wears a traditional violet lace shirt, contrasting beautifully against her sun-kissed skin. Her expression is one of surprise and unfiltered joy, as if she's still processing the wonder of their adventure. Her eyes are wide and sparkling, a subtle smile playing on her lips, suggesting a mix of disbelief and happiness. Her hair is slightly disheveled, adding to the authenticity of the moment. They stand on the sandy beach, the early morning light casting a soft, warm glow. The background is a blur of gentle waves and the first light of dawn, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and new beginnings. This cinematic moment is captured on cinestill 50d film, emphasizing the raw, natural beauty of the scene. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

In a crowded street of Canggu, Bali, a 40-year-old white man with very short chestnut hair, a day-old beard, and green eyes, walks alongside a stunning 35-year-old Balinese woman. Her hair is slightly disheveled, embodying a candid beauty. They navigate through a maze of scooters, with wisps of smoke from a street wood fire curling into the air and bakso street vendors in the background. They are engaged in a lively discussion, still reeling from a recently unfolded comical situation. Their expressions mix amusement and surprise, as if they've just walked out of a playful scenario. The camera captures this spontaneous moment, focusing sharply on their faces, highlighting the details of their expressions against the bustling, smoky backdrop of the street. This scene, filled with life and unexpected laughter, is caught in a raw, candid style. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

A white man with very short chestnut hair, a day-old beard, and green eyes walks alongside a stunning, innocent-looking Balinese woman in the bustling scooter-filled streets of Canggu, Bali. Their expressions are animated, caught in a heated discussion. The man's eyes are intensely focused on the woman, his brows slightly furrowed in concentration. The woman, with her delicate features and wide, expressive eyes, responds with equal fervor, her hands gesturing gracefully. Around them, the vibrant chaos of Canggu: scooters whizzing by, the blur of colorful buildings, and the dynamic energy of street life. The air is thick with the scents and sounds of Bali, adding to the intensity of their exchange. Their dynamic poses and the surrounding motion create a vivid, lively scene of cultural immersion and emotional dialogue. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

In a bustling supermarket, the camera intimately captures a woman, Hispanic, in her mid-30s, shopping. The focus is sharply on her face, a blend of weariness and subtle joy etched into her features. Her skin is a warm olive tone, with faint lines around her eyes hinting at both fatigue and smiles. Her dark, shoulder-length hair falls loosely around her face. The background, a blur of colorful grocery aisles, fades into a soft bokeh, emphasizing her presence. This scene, reminiscent of a poignant moment from a documentary, is bathed in the fluorescent light of the store, casting a realistic hue over her. The image, akin to a frame from a high-definition film, captures the mundane yet profound aspects of daily life. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

In a bustling Istanbul airport, two long-time friends unexpectedly reunite. The man on the left, donning casual attire and wheeling a suitcase, radiates surprise and joy. His face is illuminated in natural light streaming through large windows, highlighting his expressive eyes and a broad smile. On the right stands his friend, just returning from a business trip, clad in a sharp suit. His expression is a complex mix of surprise and wariness, eyes narrowed slightly, a tentative smile playing on his lips. Around them, the airport crowd blurs into a whirl of movement, capturing the dynamic energy of the scene. This photograph emulates the style of contemporary Japanese street photography, with a focus on candid human expressions against a backdrop of urban motion. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

A man and a woman in a colonial-style Hanoi hotel during late afternoon. The woman, dressed elegantly in Dior, exudes surprise and shock, her eyes wide and mouth slightly open. She's holding a cocktail glass delicately. Beside her stands a man, dressed as a waiter, announcing good news with a discreet, knowing smile. The room's decor blends blue and yellow, casting a warm yet mysterious ambiance reminiscent of a scene from an American romantic comedy. The image captures a moment of revelation, filled with suspense and elegance. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0

A very old Balinese woman, wrinkles mapping her life's journey, sits against a weathered wooden backdrop. She holds a massive, hand-rolled cigarette, its smoke curling around her face. Her eyes, sparkling with mischief, meet the camera directly. Captured in the 1920s, the image is black and white, rendering the scene timeless. The photo has a documentary feel, with its print slightly faded and worn, suggesting the passage of time and the persistence of memory. --ar 16:9 --style raw --v 6.0